Welcome and framework

We are pleased to invite you to attend and actively participate on the International Meeting +Digital Future: Competences for the Cultural Sector, to be held in Porto, Portugal, on April 18th 2018.
This event is organised by the Department of Heritage Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, within the framework of the Project Mu.SA_Museum Sector Alliance (Erasmus+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Sector Skills Alliances) and in the sense to signal and celebrate the motto of the European Year of Cultural Heritage Our heritage: where the past meets the future, and of the International Day for Monuments and Sites, Heritage for Generations.
Digital transformation is in the order of the day since some years, although the different sectors of the Society embrace it at different times and with different perspectives. Tendentially, the cultural sector doesn’t lead the race (almost always of obstacles).
Facing such serious times of change, museums and other cultural institutions, discuss and reflect, in a deeply and interdisciplinary way, about how to dynamically adapt and evolve, considering their role in resilience, development, sustainability and quality of life of the twenty-first century Society. But with which competences can/should they do it?
Assessing and defining key competences is a cha(lle)nging process but Europe has been doing its efforts with successful results, as reviewing the key competences identified for lifelong learning[1] and assuming the need to “re-think of the different skills we equip our citizens with; from independent thinking to human-centred skills, such as social and artistic competences, or cultural expression. (…) not (..) limited to younger generations as European citizens of all ages are already facing these challenges and hence the proposed revision of key competences for lifelong learning will demand a holistic approach, across formal, non-formal and informal settings.”
Although not ignoring the various competences, this International Meeting addresses the digital and transferable skills that have been identified as non-existent or insufficiently developed in the cultural sector, which are the focus of the Project Mu.SA, aiming to raise and enhance awareness for its potential and crucial role in cultural heritage and in inclusive museums.
Assuming an interdisciplinary character, we are sure that it will strengthen the cooperation bonds between professional, scientific and educational communities and provide a platform for sharing experiences and knowledge. The official language will be English and the focus will be on the following topics:
Digital challenges and strategies;
Role profiles and competences;
Education and training of professionals.
It may also be an excellent opportunity to conciliate the scientific experience with the pleasure of some leisure in Porto, a city considered the happiest in Europe 2014 by Erasmus Student Network (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWhGWO5T6ig), according to a study by the Rheingold Institute of Germany, in partnership with Smart. Come and explore its World Heritage Historical Centre. Take a look around it (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkgnQFekdJI). Get to know its museums, monuments, historic and most emblematic places and traditions and relax at the Ribeira, nominated 2015 Europe World Travel Awards for best tourist attraction.
Hoping to see you in Porto in April 2018,
The Organizing and Executive Committee of the +Digital Future: Competences for the Cultural Sector
[1] “The European Framework of Key Competences. This framework was proposed in the Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning adopted by the European Parliament and the Council in December 2006 after five years of work by experts and civil servants collaborating within the Open Method of Cooperation. It defines eight key competences:
— Communication in the mother tongue
— Communication in a foreign language
— Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
— Digital competence
— Learning to learn
— Social and civic competence
— Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
— Cultural awareness and expression.
It is stressed that: 1) all these competences should be regarded as equally important, since each can contribute to a successful life in the knowledge society; 2) to some extent, they overlap and interlock; 3) many themes should apply throughout this framework as they play a role in these key competences: critical thinking, creativity, initiative, problem solving, risk assessment, decision taking and constructive management of emotions” (HALÁSZ, G. & MICHEL, A. 2011: 291).